DIY Pacifier Clip

10:39 AM Chelsea 0 Comments

Pacifier, binkies, suckers, whatever you call them one thing's for sure... they're forever getting lost/dropped/stolen by the dog, etc. Ugh. The thought of a dirty pacifier going into one of the kids' mouths gives me the heebie jeebies. Maybe it's new mom germaphobia, but I'd rather they not use them than have them become germ-infested.

Whatever it is, I finally figured I'd give these handy little pacifier clips a try. Of course I couldn't just go out any buy them like a normal person, I decided I must have custom cute ones of my own creation.

This was actually a super easy project. All it took was a little velcro, some hot glue, some ribbon, and some suspender clips. The suspender clips were the hardest to find. From what I've been told, you can find them at some big box craft store, but mine are all over an hour away. Thanks to the magic of the interwebs, I was able to purchase a bunch of them from Ebay for about $3 total! Now I can make binky clips until my little heart is content.

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